The serial number of my copy is 28612165 and the starting 28 indicated that it was made by Komine. It’s possible to identify any particular version by the general spec as shown above and by the serial number, the first two digits of which give the manufacturer. 70-210mm f/2.8-4.0 with a 58mm diameter filter made by Cosina.70-210mm f/2.8-4.0 with a 62mm or 58mm diameter filter made by Cosina.70-210mm f/2.8-4.0 with a 62mm diameter filter made by Komine.70-210mm f/3.5 with a 62mm diameter filter made by Tokina.70-210mm f/3.5 with a 67mm diameter filter made by Kiron.After doing some internet research it seems the versions were Vivitar Series 1 70 – 210 sample picturesĪs I said above, there were several versions of this lens and there were several manufacturers involved in making them.Using the Vivitar Series 1 70 – 210 Macro Zoom.